Rehabilitation Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of TCM is a Grade-III
Level-A specialized hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching and
scientific research.
The Rehabilitation Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of TCM and OKEWAY reached a cooperation agreement in the end of 2013, and the CARF accreditation was officially started in the beginning of 2014. Based on CARF accreditation, the hospital aims at building an international exchange platform, modifying its management and service flow in line with international standards, enhancing its service ability, promoting discipline development and improving quality. By providing consulting services, instructions, trainings, investigations, and by assisting in implementing standards and coordinating with CARF, OKEWAY has helped the hospital to establish management and service system in line with CARF standards, and to pass CARF accreditation.
Project requirements and outcomes:
Administrative flow improvement: sort out the existing administration system, implement CARF operation standards, and constantly provide training and instruction during the entire process.
Clinical service flow optimization: perfect medical record framework, solidify team meeting mode, set up follow-up visit system, outcome information analysis and publicity system.
▲Rehab goals |
▲Patient activities |
▲Patient activity room |
▲USPEQ and accessible service |
After first three-year CARF accreditation in April 2016, OKEWAY has cooperated closely with the hospital and through seasonal work reviews ensured CARF standards implementation in the hospital, and by yearly training for any renewal of CARF standards kept rehabilitation development up to date. As for constant improvement, the hospital has actively carried out CARF concepts and realized improvements in information system, infrastructure construction and cultural diversity:
• IT improvement: independently develop outcome information management system to support hospital performance management and rehab outcome analysis;
• Accessibility improvement: build corridor between buildings to enhance safety;
• Cultural diversity improvement: organize "Patient Visit Experience Day" for staff quality improvement and team building.
▲Outcome IMS ▲Newly built corridor ▲Patient Visit Experience Day
Phase I:
Dec 24, 2013 |
CARF project launch | |
Mar 23-25, 2015 |
CARF expert survey | |
Jan 20, 2016 |
CARF expert survey |
/newsinfo.aspx?newsId=301 |
Apr 27-29, 2016 |
CARF accreditation survey | |
May 23, 2016 |
CARF accreditation outcome | |
Phase II:
Oct 2018 |
CARF accreditation application |
Nov 2018 |
CARF 2018 standard training |
Mar 2019 |
CARF simulated survey |
Apr 2019 |
CARF accreditation survey |
May 2019 |
CARF accreditation outcome | |
“uSPEQ outcome management database of CARF, especially as third-party
satisfaction survey, is of high reliability. I am expected to see the results
of each season.” --- President
“CARF expert and OKEWAY have provided advices on the new site construction,
especially on the accessibility.” --- Director of the Nursing Dept.