
Henan Provincial Rehabilitation Hopsital
Publishing time:2019年05月16日  Read:3812 Source:OKEWAY ShunDao


Henan Provincial Rehabilitation Hospital, developed by Henan Luoyang Orthopedic-Traumatological Hospital for new field of health service, is an independent branch established in December 2015. The garden-like hospital covering an area of 140,000m2 has 5 inpatient wards and 1 treatment zone, and offers 214 sick beds. It has set up seven specialized sections which are spinal cord injury rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, geriatric rehabilitation, bone and joint rehabilitation, comprehensive rehabilitation and surgical rehabilitation.

As the first institution passing JCI accreditation to apply for CARF accreditation, the hospital has shown its determination for constant improvement in quality management.


To satisfy the increasing demands for rehabilitation and make up for the disadvantages concerning rehabilitation talents, resources and management, the young rehabilitation branch signed agreement with OKEYWAY in October 2016 to implement international standard CARF for standardizing its service flow and accelerating discipline development, talent cultivation, and service improvement. After constant improvement over a year, the hospital passed CARF survey in March 2018 and obtained three-year CARF accreditation.


More accessible setting

* Based on the original beautiful landscape, add signage system with hospital culture and characteristics;

Optimize existing rooms and public areas, increase the number of patient activity and doctor-patient interaction scenes

Check out potential risks of physical environment, and provide patients with more considerate details.

International rehabilitation management

Systematic training for CARF standards

Build efficient, comprehensive, suitable and self-completing rehabilitation management system

Rehabilitation service outcome data to prove service quality

Integrated rehabilitation team

Optimize team meeting mode, and establish motivated interview mode

* Change from linear service flow to closed-type service flow

* Break through isolations among medical, nursing, and patients, and build around-the-clock team communication work mode


▲Ward environment VS details


▲ Doctor-patient interaction VS patient interaction 


October 2016 CARF project started  /newsinfo.aspx?newsId=564
March 2017 CARF standard systematic training

May 2017 CARF expert survey
June 2017  CARF standard management system establishment

March 2018  CARF accreditation survey

April 2018 CARF survey outcome



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