Administration supports rehabilitation facilities to provide high-quality services, consequently its work outcome should also be effectively managed. Targeting at key and weak points of administration works, the administration outcome management system sets up precise indicators to inspect and evaluate the works and for following improvement. Generally, the administration outcome management system covers the following aspects:
△Financial management including budget implementation, revenue & expenditure analysis and account review;
△Human resource management including recruitment, training, brain drain, and ability evaluation;
△Information technology including information planning, training and equipment maintenance;
△Accessibility including work completion and removal of barriers;
△Risk management including actions taken for reducing risks, emergency drill, and hospital infection control.
Rehabilitation service quality has always been the emphasis of quality control. Outcome management can directly reflect the service quality, and outcome analysis provides basis for hospital service quality improvement. Clinical service outcome management system mainly covers effect, efficiency, accessibility, and satisfaction of patients and their families:
△Effect: inspect service results along the time
△Efficiency: check the relation between resource utilization and results achieved
△Accessibility: including whether the time required for admission, location of services and service time are convenient for patients
△Satisfaction: check for the satisfaction of patients and their families for outpatient or hospitalization services