Hangzhou Letianpai INTECH Rehabilitation Hospital is a grade-II rehabilitation hospital established in December 2015. It has 248 sick beds and the key disciplines are neurological rehabilitation and orthopedic rehabilitation. Covering a rehabilitation treatment zone of 1,500 m2, it is the largest in Hangzhou.
In September 2018, CARF accreditation for Hangzhou Letianpai INTECH Rehabilitation Hospital was officially launched. With assistance from OKEWAY, the hospital has made improvement and optimization in its management concepts, environment setting and work flow based on CARF standards. As the first rehabilitation organization in Hangzhou applying for CARF accreditation, the hospital has pioneered in rehabilitation for many aspects:
Patient-doctor communication: increase daily use of doctor-patient communication, carry out team meeting competition and doctor-patient communication wall rating to improve service quality and realize patient-centered goals;
Corporate social responsibility: provide voluntary clinics, health lectures and evaluation for home-based care for the aged for the communities on a monthly basis; have served 6,000 residents and established medical interaction with more than 30 communities;
Patient-doctor communication Corporate social responsibility International exchange
Phase I:
September 2018 CARF initial survey
October 2018 CARF 2018 standard training
November 2018 CARF officer visit
March 2019 CARF mid-term assessment
April 2019 CARF accreditation application
August 2019 CARF simultated survey
September 2019 CARF accreditation survey
The hospital accepted CARF accreditation survey in September 2019 and obtained three-year accreditation for its comprehensive integrated inpatient rehabilitation program, becoming the first in Hangzhou passing three-year CARF accreditation.
1. CARF reflects the concepts of “patient
orientation” and “constant improvement”, reminding us of our mission. ---
Director of the Medical Administration Dept.